Korean Full Body Scrub and Back Massage at Mangwanani Boutique Spa – Mandela Rhodes

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Mangwanani Boutique Spa at Mandela Rhodes Place is the latest addition to the Mangwanani family. This lovely spa lies in the heart of the city. Yet on entering the spa one totally forgets that they are surrounded by the hustle and bustle of city traffic and noise. You get transported into a tranquil mystical place far away, with the aroma’s of calming oils and soothing music playing in the background. You are greeted by lovely ladies with bright smiles who walk you through the formalities. You are then taken to the dining room, yes they have a lovely intimitate dining room at the spa for Afternoon Tea and Moonlight Night Spa dinner.


The treatment that we choose was a Couples Full Body Scrub and Back Massage. The Full Body Scrub is a new signature treatment of Mangwanani’s. It is a Korean Body Scrub. This treatment is done using a special hand mitt from Korea and warm water. But first you need to spend about 20 minutes in warm water to soften your skin. You can either use the jacuzzi one at a time, we opted to use the warm water pool. When the time for soaking was up, we were escorted back to our treatment room were two beds awaited us. Once on the bed and made comfortable, our eyes were cover with towels to block out the light. This added to feeling more relaxed. Our therapist began with the body scrub. The hand mitt and some warm water was used to exfoliate the skin. The therapist checked in on how we were doing and if the pressure was fine. The Korean Body Scrub was invigorating. It was gentle enough not to hurt you, yet effective enough to remove dead skin and get the circulation moving again. Oh and what nice polished skin I have after this treatment. The body scrub lasted about 60 minutes.



It was then time to wash off the dead skin cells. So we went for a nice hot shower making use of Mangwanani’s range of bath and shower products to pamper and lather. Mangwanani has a lovely selection of body pamper products for retail to either use at home or purchase as gifts. These products are luxurious and smell so amazing.




Back to our treatment. So after our hot shower we were ready for our back massage. We opted for the calming lavender oil. Already feeling like new people, relaxed and a ‘weight’ washed away. Our therapist worked on our backs like dough, kneading and strechting, working away knots and easing out tense muscles. Feeling like I was melting away into the bed and just about to fall into a deep sleep our therapist lightly pats me to let me know the treatment is over. I peep over at my husband and see that he feels just as relaxed as I am.


So, hubby gives the “Thumbs Up” and wants to know when we are going for our next pamper treat. He must be hinting as it is his birthday coming up, and our anniversary.

Thank you to the Lovely Ladies at Mangwanani Boutique Spa Mandela Rhodes for the welcoming reception, the relaxing and invigorating treatment.  Looks like you will be seeing us again very soon.

Remember to take along your swimming costumes if you want to make use of the pool and arrive earlier so you have plenty of time to enjoy yourself.

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To find out more about Mangwanani Boutique Spa at Mandela Rhodes click on the link below.
